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Nonprofit Partnership "Foundrymen Union of Saint-Petersburg" was entered in the State Union Register as a legal entity on April 22, 2005.

The Union includes the following committees in its structure:

  • General industrial foundry and logistic support;
  • Art castings and special kinds of casting;
  • External relations;
  • Designing and technologies;
  • Education and information.

The supreme authority of Founders Union is the Conference of its members.
The President controls day-to-day operation.
Administration is provided by Executive directorate.
The Union Council is the continuing collective body.

There are two kinds of Union membership - a member and an associated member.

The Union budget is formed by entrance and membership fees, as well as by optional and purpose contributions and donations from Union members and third parties.



В 2015 г. компания Sibelco приступила к реализации новой долгосрочной стратегии развития Vision - 2020. В нынешнем году начинается активное внедрение этой стратегии в России.

Для реализации амбициозных планов компании на российском рынке в апреле 2016 г. на должность Генерального директора ООО «Сибелко Рус» назначен Андрей Дасковский.



МАШИНОСТРОИТЕЛЬНЫМ И ЛИТЕЙНО-МЕХАНИЧЕСКИМ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯМ! ВСЕМ, КТО НУЖДАЕТСЯ В ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИИ КАЧЕСТВЕННОГО ЛИТЬЯ! Союз литейщиков Санкт-Петербурга предлагает размещение заказов на литьё по чертежам Заказчика на предприятиях России и стран Европейского Союза.    –» 


Компания «Петербургснаб» является профессиональным участником рынка лизинговых услуг на Северо-Западе уже более 10 лет. Команда ТОП-менеджеров сформирована из профессионалов, работавших в лизинговых компаниях федерального уровня. Мы нацелены на индивидуальный гибкий подход к потребностям клиента в реализации проектов, что позволяет максимально учитывать интересы наших лизингополучателей. Мы имеем возможность привлечь недорогой банковский ресурс, что обеспечивает конкурентоспособное коммерческое предложение по лизингу    –» 

The Union was founded for promotion of professional activity in the field of foundry and has the following aims (in cooperation with local and foreign organizations and companies):

  • Assistance in drawing up and realization of regional and branch programs of foundry development, technical and technological modernization of enterprises, organization of effective branch production, cooperation and specialization;
  • Participation in vocational training and raising the level of qualification of Foundrymen, sciences training, promotion of scientific and technological achievements;
  • Representation and protection of rights and legal interests of Union members;
  • Participation in marketing researches in the field of foundry; providing information, methodical, technical, legal and other assistance for Foundrymen Union members and other enterprisies.

The Union consists of 45 members and associated members from many regions of Russia and other countries.

The Union co-operates with Russian Foundrymen Association and is a member of the Russian Association of the Machine-Tool and Instrument Construction, Foundrymen Association of Ukraine, Saint-Petersburg Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Union is an organizer of Annual International exhibitions “Metallurgy and Foundry”, “Russian Industrialist”, “St.-Petersburg Technical Fair”, conferences, seminars, postgraduate courses with co-operation of Exhibition Complex “LENEXPO” and Exhibition Union “RESTECH”.

President of NPP “Foundrymen Union of Saint-Petersburg”
Dr. Vladimir I. Evseev

E-mail: execute@souzlit.ru
(812) 405-90-32 t/fax: (812) 635-95-65

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